shut up…….

Real talk
I have had my fill,
Of colorful commentators,
Making overzealous deliberate statements,
Disguised by fancy lacey words
Sweet smelly flowers swarming with bees
Set up for a major stinging I am wanting you to just,
Get to the dang point,
What’s in your thought?
You talking,
I’m hearing,
Hearing more than you putting out
I’m checking your BODY LANGUAGE
Cause you playing ring around the roses
Damn near parting rivers like moses
Getting to the damn point,
Around the bush you go,
You go, you go,
Protecting your flow,
While aggravating my nerves,
Just go.
Go on, go on
Say what you thinking I need to hear,
But, keep it
Because my unmediated ADD has kicked in,
And the words that are coming out of your mouth,
Right here, right now,
Are falling like leaves from a tree hitting the ground,
Creating new noises I’m hearing much louder,
Than your voice
Masking them words,
The words you saying,
Slaying, my happy thoughts,
This is not a competition,
This is LIFE,
Slamming my inactivity,
Has not stumped my creativity
Just fuelled my inner psyche,
Real talk, what’s up?
You have so much to say
Who are you talking to?
You talking to my hand,
My back, my memory,
Strolling away from you in a new direction
Real talk,
Your words are like a pointing finger,
Aimed dead at me,
With more fingers pointing back at you
Are you hearing you?
Talking like every experience is your own,
You don’t know me,
What you see isn’t always what you get,
You have not witnessed every channel changing,
Every page scrolling,
Nor every thought rearranging in someone’s head,
What you saying, I’m hearing
But your delivery is condescending,
Lacking in respectability
Real talk friend, foe
Whatever you think you are
May not be who you are to me
Delivery of information
Is as important as the information
Don’t become a bully with your words,
Create a balance
so that what you’re are saying
can be heard
And not fall on deaf ears,
Think about who’s listening,
or be prepared for egos bruised
Likes and loves de-solved
Power points of cruel “jokey jokes”,
That you discussed with other folks,
Those who love you,
May fear telling you,
what you, need to hear
I’m not scared
Shut up,
hell, I don’t know you like that,
So hear it goes again,
Shuuuuut up.
Really, who elected you as the mouth piece of the people?
Your journey, is your journey,
Although we might have met along the way,
It doesn’t mean that my journey was to you
Just because you see yourself” crunking” into a new life,
On a whole new level of greatness,
Doesn’t mean, that others are sleeping on their aspiration
I see myself aspiring to be,
That’s what’s up,
Not giving up or out
Real talk,
“Thoughts become thinks”,
“Got to perceive it, to receive it”
Where you are, is where you are
Until you figure out the proximity,
Of the who, you are becoming.
My reality, “is,” just that, my reality,
I own it, Own yours
My focus may be a blur,
In comparison to yours
But I see my light,
See yours and walk the hell into it.
Real talk . Peace hot water and honey 10/17/12

got dreams…

In this journey to you, remember i too have them, while looking for you.
Got Dreams….

Overflowing in my cup
Spilling over running down my legs
Creating speed
With legs that agree
I got dreams
And my dreams
Got “baby” dreams
my “baby” dreams
Got day dreams
All starting with a song, picture, smell a feeling in the air
I got the dreams
Adding multiplying and dividing
Into new dreams
Spreading out in brackets to win
I’ve got dreams,
What u got?
My dreams are bank
Laid and paid in full
These dreams keep COMING, coming and coming
Having me humming a whole new song
Smiling a full toothy grin
, my dreams stream, commercial free
More dreams inside of me
Mo. dreams, mo. dream, mo. dreams
I’ve got dreams to share,
Of travel, business, music, HAIR…
I dream wide awake
Dreams be creeping up on me
Seeping into my pores
Sweating dreams shining dreams
Letting them take me,
I am surrender to my dreams
ALLOWING THEM TO overflow run down my legs AND catch speed…
Yes… I am reminding you.
Causing me to wear 3 D glasses
My dreams be “popping and locking” as I’m beat boxing beats
Salsa–in tapping and wobbling dreams
I’m building muscles flexing dreams “oiled up” posing dreams .my dreams are design agricultural landscaped planted blossoms dreams,
I’m chilling selling snowball dreams
Sipping “espresso my souling” dreams…
I got dreams like those cows have milk
Farms have cows mooing dreams
Hell I am poo-pooing dreams.
.What you got? GOT DREAMS?

peace ,hotwata n honey 2012


“Be gentle with yourself,you are a child of the universe,no less than the trees and the stars. In the noisy confusion of life,keep peace in your soul.” Max Ehrmann

What made lips that kiss?

Form words of hatred

And hostility

You… cursed me.

Wrong mine

Mistreating she

By calling me

Outa the name  

Mommy gave me 

Shame on you

For calling me

Something so



Other than sweetie,

You called me a bitch 

Spoke to me like some trick

Am I not your baby?

You do remember me….

Just last night…

As I loved you, as you loved me

You called me beauty, lovely,

Fine as wine


The minute thangs… did not roll your way

You come out of your face

Insulting me

With this, derogatory word


Is what you said

You did not hear yourself. 

What you said

Was bitch

Your momma

And your momma’s

Momma too etc etc etc

Hell and your sister, daughter and you aunts too

And as you said this to me,

You said it to all the other “her’s”

In your history  

I am hearing more in the tone of your voice

Directed at me

I am surprised see 

And right know,

I am no longer feeling you

As you look at me with laughter in your eyes

Saying that shit to me

Thinking you hurting me

I am realizing

You hurting, you are damn self

You thought you had me

Reaching for the Vaseline

You thought you had me

Pulling off my earrings

However, hell, I am just

Putting them back on

Who is the bitch now?

Oh so you think this is funny like hell

“nigga” please…

Damn did you hear me?

You know

I take that back

Pardon me…

Forgive me

For I will be forgiving

And forgetting you

You will be missing me

You have brought me down

But you cannot keep me down  

Got me clowning on you

And being stupid too,


Now I am a hoe

Oh hell no

What is wrong with you?

What is wrong with this picture?

Hearing it on a video

Do not make it so

Make it right

Loving the beat and ignoring the message

Got you sleep

And brainwashed by the lyrics degrading

Don’t make it ok

I have been called a freak bitch hoe 

I am just not able to take it no more

You are in combat with me

With your words

Instead of loving me

Disrespecting me

Disrespecting them

You cannot affection ally

Call me, a bitch

Or tastefully

A hoe not possibly.


Peace,hotwata and honey Image